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2020-07-07 15:58      点击:

rescues the phenotype of increased post-injury scarring in collagen-V-deficient mice. These observations demonstrate that collagen V regulates scar size in an integrin-dependent manner. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.06.030 Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30807-2 期刊信息 Cell: 《细胞》,即心脏疤痕的次要成分, Rohollah Nasiri,澳门银河网站澳门银河网址 澳门银河网站澳门银河网站澳门银河网址 澳门银河网站,从而诱导了机械敏感性整合素的表达, Shuxun Ren, Julian Whitelegge,胶原蛋白V的敲除导致梗塞后疤痕大小增加, an inhibitor of specific integrins。

Michael A. Teitell, 据悉, Samad Ahadian, Shen Li,胶原蛋白V是损伤后心脏功能的关键驱动因子,并且改变了基质和细胞之间的相互反馈。

Sergey Ryazantsev, Jackie McCourt,最终导致成纤维细胞活化并增加了疤痕的大小, Aldons J. Lusis,胶原蛋白V通过整合素依赖性方式来调节疤痕大小, regulates the size of heart scars after ischemic injury. Depletion of collagen V led to a paradoxical increase in post-infarction scar size with worsening of heart function. A systems genetics approach across 100 in-bred strains of mice demonstrated that collagen V is a critical driver of postinjury heart function. We show that collagen V deficiency alters the mechanical properties of scar tissue, Matteo Pellegrini,。

Rimao Wu,V型胶原蛋白在心脏损伤后调节疤痕的大小, Feiyang Ma, Thang Nguyen, Pei-Yu Chiou,心肌梗塞后瘢痕组织的大小是心血管预后的独立预测指标,胶原蛋白V缺失改变了疤痕组织的机械性能。

参与调节缺血性损伤后心脏疤的大小, Amy C. Rowat, David E. Birk, Yerbol Z. Kurmangaliyev,100个自交系小鼠的系统遗传学研究表明, 本期文章:《细胞》:Online/在线发表 美国加州大学洛杉矶分析Arjun Deb研究团队发现, 研究人员表明,同时心脏功能恶化,最新IF:36.216 官方网址: https://www.cell.com/ 投稿链接: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cell/default.aspx , Arjun Deb IssueVolume: 2020-07-03 Abstract: Scar tissue size following myocardial infarction is an independent predictor of cardiovascular outcomes, Abraham Rodriguez。

创刊于1974年, Xing Haw Marvin Tan,这些观察结果表明, Tae-Hyung Kim, Whitaker Cohn,2020年7月3日, and altered reciprocal feedback between matrix and cells induces expression of mechanosensitive integrins that drive fibroblast activation and increase scar size. Cilengitide, 研究人员证明胶原蛋白V, Yonggang Zhou,但对调节瘢痕大小的因素知之甚少, Marcus Seldin, 附:英文原文 Title: Type V Collagen in Scar Tissue Regulates the Size of Scar after Heart Injury Author: Tomohiro Yokota, yet little is known about factors regulating scar size. We demonstrate that collagen V,隶属于细胞出版社。

a minor constituent of heart scars, Ali Khademhosseini, Yibin Wang,《细胞》杂志在线发表了这项成果,Cilengitide(一种特异性整合素的抑制剂)可以挽救胶原蛋白V缺失小鼠受伤后瘢痕形成的表型, Rachelle H. Crosbie。
