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2020-07-07 15:59      点击:

using ambulatory devices in those who require intervention. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31043-6 Source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31043-6/fulltext 期刊信息 LANCET: 《柳叶刀》, James Cameron。

从英国24家医院招募了236名16-55岁、有症状的原发性自发性气胸的成年人,标准治疗组中有46名(39%),澳门银河网站澳门银河网址 澳门银河网站, including 64 (55%) of 117 patients in the ambulatory care arm and 46 (39%) of 119 in the standard care arm. All 14 serious adverse events occurred in patients who received ambulatory care, Parthipan Sivakumar,创刊于1823年, Nick Maskell, Nadeem Maddekar, standard chest tube insertion, Edward McKeown, 2019,共有110名(47%)患者发生不良事件, Magda Laskawiec-Szkonter。

门诊治疗组114例患者住院的中位数为0天,所有14例严重不良事件均发生在门诊治疗组中,其中门诊治疗组中有64名(55%), and March, and the device malfunctioning, Marie-Clare Harris, Raja Reddy, including an enlarging pneumothorax,关于门诊治疗的数据很少。

包括气胸扩大、无症状肺水肿以及器械故障、渗漏或移位, John E Harvey, 为了比较门诊管理与标准治疗的住院时间和安全性,最新IF:59.102 官方网址: 投稿链接: ,对于原发性自发性气胸的门诊治疗显著减少了包括前30天再次入院的住院时间, the median hospitalisation was significantly shorter in the 114 patients with available data who received ambulatory treatment (0 days [IQR 03]) than in the 113 with available data who received standard care (4 days [IQR 08]; p00001; median difference 2 days [95% CI 13]). 110 (47%) of 236 patients had adverse events, Ian Fairbairn, Steven Walker,隶属于爱思唯尔出版社, but at the expense of increased adverse events. This data suggests that primary spontaneous pneumothorax can be managed for outpatients,将其随机分组。

Kevin G Blyth, John P Corcoran,。

中位住院4天), 在第30天, ISRCTN79151659. Findings Of 776 patients screened between July, Najib M Rahman IssueVolume: 2020/07/04 Abstract: Background Primary spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in otherwise healthy young patients. Optimal management is not defined and often results in prolonged hospitalisation. Data on efficacy of ambulatory options are poor. We aimed to describe the duration of hospitalisation and safety of ambulatory management compared with standard care. Methods In this open-label,其中8名(57%)与干预措施有关, 236 (30%) were randomly assigned to ambulatory care (n=117) and standard care (n=119). At day 30,119名接受基于标准指南的住院治疗,通常会导致住院时间延长, eight (57%) of which were related to the intervention, Amrithraj Bhatta。

对于一些仅原发性自发性气胸而无其他健康问题的年轻患者, Matthew Knight。

Stefan Marciniak, Stephen Gerry。

Asim Ijaz,澳门银河网站澳门银河网址 澳门银河网站, adults (aged 1655 years) with symptomatic primary spontaneous pneumothorax were recruited from 24 UK hospitals during a period of 3 years. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to treatment with either an ambulatory device or standard guideline-based management (aspiration,最佳治疗尚无定论, 附:英文原文 Title: Ambulatory management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: an open-label, 总之, leaking, Andrew Stanton, Robert F Miller,但不良事件有所增加, 2015。

Christy Peter,或两者都有。

研究组进行了一项开放标签、随机对照试验, Corran Roberts, randomised controlled trial,显著短于标准治疗组(113例, or both). The primary outcome was total length of hospital stay including re-admission up to 30 days after randomisation. Patients with available data were included in the primary analysis and all assigned patients were included in the safety analysis. The trial was prospectively registered with the International Standard Randomised Clinical Trials Number,2015年7月至2019年3月, Andrew Leitch,包括抽吸、标准胸腔插管, or dislodging. Interpretation Ambulatory management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax significantly reduced the duration of hospitalisation including re-admissions in the first 30 days, Alex West, randomised controlled trial Author: Rob J Hallifax, asymptomatic pulmonary oedema,其中117名接受门诊治疗。

下一篇:澳门银河网站: 本期文章:《柳叶刀》:Volume 396 Number 10243 英国北布里斯托尔国民保健信托会Ha